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Microsoft Works Suite 2005 helps your whole family handle daily tasks more easily and enjoyably by providing a great collection of six popular Microsoft programs for one great price.
A great home PC starter kit
Get Microsoft programs that your whole family can use, including Works, Encarta Encyclopedia, Picture It! Premium, Streets and Trips, and Money.
Get Word 2002
Helpful features such as ready-to-use templates and automatic spelling and grammar checks make it easy to create professional-looking documents.
Finish home projects in a snap
Create and complete home projects quickly with 500 templates for letters, resumes, budgets, greeting cards, photo projects, and much more.
Microsoft Works Suite 2005 gives customers the home products they need for easier, more efficient home computing. Six complete, award-winning products help you get the most out of your PC. Works Suite 2005 features Works 8 and Word 2002, plus new versions of Encarta, Money, Picture It! and Streets & Trips. Microsoft Word is the same premier word processor featured in Microsoft Office XP, with helpful features like smart tags, task panes, and improved formatting assistance that make it easy to create professional-looking documents in a snap. Works helps you get your household shipshape with easy-to-use spreadsheets, databases, and much more. You can read and edit documents created with Microsoft Excel, and keep tabs on all the important events in your life with the Works calendar and address book. Works helps you get your household shipshape with easy-to-use spreadsheets, databases, and much more. You can read and edit documents created with Microsoft Excel, and keep tabs on all the important events in your life with the Works calendar and address book. Picture It! Premium 10 gives you all the tools you need to manage your digital photos. You can make every picture perfect, create cool photo projects, and share your photos online. It's the easiest way to preserve and share your photo memories. Encarta Standard gives you access to thousands of fascinating articles and photos, as well as hundreds of videos, animations, and audio files. It's the ultimate multimedia encyclopedia, a safe and trusted resource that will keep your kids excited about learning for years to come. Say goodbye to tedious chores like balancing the checkbook. Money Standard helps you organize and manage all of your personal finances quickly and easily. You can automatically track account balances, spending, and budgets with the click of a button. Streets & Trips gives you quick access to over 1.3 million points of inter.