by Acronis
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Three User Licenses Included; PC Backup and Recovery of Systems, Applications, and Files- Have you ever accidentally deleted a file, had a virus corrupt your files, or had a disk fail? These are just a few examples of how people lose pictures, music, personal and financial data every day. Don't let this happen to you. Protect your PC with Acronis True Image Home 2012, featuring local and available online backup. Acronis True Image Home 2012 assures that all your important data, including photos, videos, music, documents, and applications, are fully protected and can be recovered quickly in the event of any disaster. Use our intuitive graphical user interface to easily define where you'll be backing up your PC and how often. Create copies of your hard drive with just a few quick steps while continuing to work. If you lose an important file or need to recover an earlier version of it, don't worry: you can go back in time and retrieve it in seconds.