by eMedia
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TimeStretch lets you learn or practice any piece of music at any speed! It slows down the music without changing pitch so you can play along slowly and gradually come up to tempo. Music teachers will be delighted by how much easier it is to transcribe or analyze a song with adjustable tempo. Additionally, TimeStretch can transpose a piece of music, adjusting it to a higher or lower register as needed. Pieces of music can be extracted from audio CDs or MP3s, and then TimeStretch adjusted versions of the music can be saved as WAV, MP3 of WMA files or burned to a new custom audio CD. You can even easily extract portions of music for use as ringtones on mobile phones. TimeStretch opens up a new world of song manipulation, helping you become a better musician, a more effective teacher or simply allows you to have more fun as a music hobbyist. Jam out with your favorite group by reducing the speed to a tempo you’re comfortable with. You’ll be able to hear exactly what’s being played and learn your part. Adapt, select parts, save and burn from your audio CDs and WAV, MP3 and WMA files.