by Infiniteskills
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(Visit the Best Sellers in Training & Tutorials list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
From Import to Export this Adobe Premiere CS4 Training Videos covers it all. Using visual narrated tutorials and concise step-by-step instructions learning how to edit video to a professional standard has never been easier. Taught by a leading broadcast expert this training video will dramatically accelerate your video editing skills and show you just how the pros do it. Whether you re a total newcomer to Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 or a video editor who is upgrading from an earlier version, this no-nonsense training course will give you the skills to tackle even the most demanding video editing projects.
Ships on: CD-ROM
Training Duration: 6 Hours - 103 Lessons
Platform: Mac and Windows
Level: Beginner - Intermediate
Versions Covered: CS4 - CS3