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The affordable alternative to Microsoft OfficeProduct InformationHas Microsoft Office priced itself out of your budget? Do you still needfeature-complete word processing and spreadsheet programs? With essentialapplications for home and office Office Suite provides an affordablealternative to Microsoft Office.OfficeSuite 2006 is a feature-rich alternative for a fraction of theprice! Essential applications for home and office include word processingspreadsheet graphs PDF creation mail merge photo editing and digital photoorganization. As an added new feature OfficeSuite 2006 includes featuresthat allow you to design Web pages letterhead business cards scrapbook pagesand more. OfficeSuite 2006 is Microsoft Office Compatible.Product HighlightsWord ProcessingWork on office files at home use a word processor to write letters createfamily schedules organize your children’s activities work on school projectsand more. Open edit and save any Microsoft Word document. Create new documents saving them in the standard Microsoft Word .DOC format. Work with ease through the word processor’s features which operate just like Microsoft Word’s.SpreadsheetsCreate balance sheets for your small business manage your household budget andmore. Open edit and save any Microsoft Excel document. Start new spreadsheets and save them in the standard Microsoft Excel .XLS format. Present your data instantly with the Graph Wizard to create 2D and 3D graphs. ODBC support allows you to analyze complex data from any ODBC compliant database.New! Professional-Quality ProjectsEnhance any document with these powerful publishing design tools. Createprofessional web pages letterhead business cards scrapbook pages greetingcards -and whatever else your imagination can dream up! Select from 8300 project templates or create your own. Print email save as a PDF or publish to your web site