by Virtual Flash Cards.NET
Buy new: $32.99
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Pre-Med Flashcards offers an inexpensive and effective way to review the material that will be on the MCAT.
The MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test) is now computerized, so it's time to get used to answering questions and studying on the computer.
What the Program offers: The program is easy to use and versatile. You can add your own questions. The program covers all the main concepts that a student will need to know to do well on the MCAT. The Program contains over 1900 questions including 390 Organic Chemistry, 377 General Chemistry Questions, 322 Physics Questions, 603 Biology Questions, 270 Advanced Biology Questions. Total of over 1900 Questions that test and strengthen your knowledge of the MCAT material. Please download our demo at The download will be approximately 5MB.