by Infiniteskills
Buy new: $149.99
(Visit the Best Sellers in Training & Tutorials list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)
Number of Videos: 237 Lessons - 16.5 Hours Duration
Ships on: DVD-ROM
User Level: Beginners
Works On: Windows 7,Vista,XP- Mac OS X
In this Premium video training bundle for Microsoft Office 2011 For the Mac, expert author Guy Vaccaro guides you through the ins and outs of using this powerful and popular suite of tools. Training in this bundle includes:
Learning Microsoft Word 2011 For the Mac
Learning Microsoft Excel 2011 For the Mac
Learning Microsoft Powerpoint 2011 For the Mac
Learning Microsoft Outlook 2011 For the Mac
Each individual training course focuses on the core components of each program, taught in a unique and engaging fashion, using projects. Through each project, you will learn essential skills such as formatting, creating mail merges, emailing and maintaining contacts, creating in-depth spreadsheets with advanced formulas, and much, much more.
By the completion of each of these video training tutorials, you will be fully competent in each of these programs, on your Macintosh computer. Each training video comes complete with working files, so that you can work alongside the author as he teaches you each concept