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Protect Your Family and Your Estate Quickly and EasilyProduct InformationQuicken WillMaker Premium 2011 Estate Planning Software provides the legal forms required to create an effective estate plan. Just launch the software follow a simple guided step-by-step interview and in 30 minutes or less you can create the following documents customized to suit your unique circumstances and reflect the laws of your state (Estate planning documents not valid in Louisiana). Also includes 10 essential estate planning finance and retirement resources.Quick WillMaker guides you through a series of interview screens for each estate planning document you want to create. All you have to do is click through the questions and make your needs and wishes known. At the end of the interview the program combines your answers with the personal information you provided and the laws of your state to produce customized valid legal documents that protect your family. You can produce any document in Quicken WillMaker Premium in one sitting but there is no rush. Relax and take your time - after all Quick WillMaker doesn't charge by the hours. Get started with three steps:Step 1 - Select a document from the list: Not sure which document to start with? The program can suggest a document for you depending on your particular life situation.Step 2 - Complete a simple question and answer interview.Step 3 - Review print and sign. Need to make changes? No problem. You can revise your answers at any time.The Onscreen Guide is right at your side. It provides lots of basic information to help you understand the current task on your interview screen and answer any questions you may have about it. When you need more in-depth information you can jump straight to the program's Legal Manual. The Legal Manual is always a click away. It provides legal and practical answers