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Learn Letters and Spelling on an Exciting PrehistoricAdventure!Product InformationGive your child a head start on spelling successwith JumpStart Learning Games: Spelling! Kids learn important spellingskills as they play fast-paced arcade-style games in this prehistoric world ofdinosaurs and cavemen. Help CJ the Frog save his firefly friend Edison while learning importantspelling skills! Some not-so-bright cavemen have captured Edison for his "enlightening"qualities and it's up to you to save him! Hurry Edison needs your help!Product Features Help CJ save his firefly friend Edison from some not-so-bright cavemen! Climb mountains cross rivers even face a T-Rex on your spelling adventure! Pick the correctly spelled word to get past the gaggle of dinosaurs. Venture deep into prehistoric jungles avoid giant dinosaurs dodge boulders and more on your quest. Compete for high scores as you try to save Edison again and again!Windows Requirements Windows 98 Me 2000 XP Vista Pentium II 300 MHz or faster 128 MB RAM 15 MB free Hard Disk Space 640x480 resolution with 256-color capability Windows-compatible Sound Card and Speakers 12X CD-ROM drive